DEI Research &


DEI Research & Consulting


The Carter Development group conducts equity and inclusion research, strategic planning, and change management for higher educational institutions. This includes working with academic affairs, student affairs, supplier diversity offices, and diversity officers.

Professional development services for students, faculty, and staff are available on a range of DEI topics. Topics include unconscious bias, micro and macro aggressions, understanding racism, power dynamics, persons with disabilities, social justice, and intersectionality.

The Carter Development group conducts equity and inclusion research, strategic planning, implementation, and change management for K-12 school districts. Our equity auditing services include qualitative and quantitative research of students, faculty, and staff and community outreach/engagement with parents. We also conduct curriculum assessment and policy and procedure reviews. Our final report includes S.M.A.R.T. goal recommendations, metrics, policy updates, and opportunities for professional development on culturally relevant curriculum design and understanding school-based equity development.

The Carter Development Group provides professional/leadership development services for school executives and leaders to increase their supervisory skills and positively impact their personal and professional growth. A number of methodologies are used as a foundational guide throughout our trainings modules. Our school leadership program consist of:

  • Principal Supervisor Trainer. Facilitates leadership coaching.

  • Leadership Development Trainer. Facilitates training on conflict resolution, communication skill building, active, reflective, and courageous listening.

  • Curriculum Professional Development Trainer. Facilitate training on instructional rigor, learning and teaching, curriculum, instruction and assessment, and instructional time.

The Carter Development Group recognizes the challenges Black males face within the American education system. Our Associates have conducted qualitative research and published books on several groundbreaking approaches on teaching and connecting with this vulnerable population. Our professional development program on Black males provide some of the following:

  • A framework for creating and sustaining instructional equity.

  • Differences between male and female brain development.

  • Relationship building for Black male academic achievement.

  • Hidden inequities in many special education referrals and practices.

  • Culturally Relevant Teaching & centering the culture of Black and minority children

  • How supporting Black and Latino males creates buoyancy for all students

The Carter Development Group provides restorative justice services for organizations seeking to provide an opportunity to repair the harm and rebuild relationships in the community with those who take responsibility for the harm. This very important approach to conflict resolution and community development is led by experienced conflict resolution practitioners and mental health therapists from our firm. Our services are geared toward juvenile justice programs and educational institutions (K-12 and Higher Education).


CDG will coordinate and facilitate your restorative engagements with the necessary parties, including the individual responsible for the harm, the harmed, family members, and gatekeepers to the community. If you are seeking to start a restorative justice program, CDG also provides program design with customized protocols, tools, and train-the-trainer trainings for Prevention initiatives, Intervention initiatives, and Reintegration.

The Carter Development Group offers professional development for school leaders and faculty on Social Emotional Learning Strategies, Classroom Management, PBIS & Restorative Justice Practices, and best practices for Professional Learning Community (PLCs).

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