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Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group Three-Year Strategic Plan

The Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) is the State Advisory Group (SAG) established under the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (JJDPA). The 24-member board is appointed by the governor. As part of its federal obligations, the JJAG is required to participate in the development of the Three-Year Plan that provides a roadmap for utilizing JJDPA Title II Formula Grant funds in Maine to address juvenile justice and delinquency prevention needs, including providing staff support to assist the JJAG in carrying out its functions. The Carter Development Group was contracted to guide, research, and draft the plan according to the board’s interests. CDG facilitated discussions, assessed the previous three-year plan, used its ICB Equity Lens Framework and 7-Step Strategic Planning Tool to set goals, metrics, and track approaches, and draft the three-year plan.